How to manage your banking relationship during an economic downturn

Managing your banking relationships during an economic downturn and working with an experienced business debt advisor can make a positive difference. 
With inflation, the war in Ukraine, the recent U-Turns surrounding UK policies and rising interest rates in the news, it’s no surprise there is much economic uncertainty at present. 
At times of economic stress, it’s more important than ever to go above and beyond with all your business relationships to ensure you have the support and information you need. 
This is increasingly going to be the case when you have a borrowing relationship with a bank or other financier.
Richard Meddelton, the Debt Advisory Lead Partner for Bankbrokers UK & Ireland, shares expert insight and views on how to improve business banking relationships during a downturn. 
Our summary report includes various options for managing business debt and why working with a debt advisor can make a positive difference. 
Read the full article below on LinkedIn!

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Neil Fillbrook
Articles: 23