Card processing savings in the hospitality sector

A Bankbrokers project for Trefeddian Hotel delivers credit and debit card processing savings

Following a referral from Welsh Rarebits, Trefeddian Hotel was introduced to Bankbrokers to supply an independent assessment of card processing savings and pricing.

The payments market is evolving at breakneck speed. Bankbrokers experts guided the Trefeddian team safely through the maze of payment methods, pricing analysis and benchmarking comparisons.

​Bankbrokers has developed their own, unique analytical tools and financial models, which enable experts to conduct complex financial calculations, which is a necessity to deliver the best results.

William Moeran, General Manager, Trefeddian Hotel, shares how experts from Bankbrokers delivered a successful outcome with their existing provider.

“Following a referral from Welsh Rarebits, Trefeddian were introduced to Bankbrokers. We learned of their significant successes achieved over many years. Including a collaboration with Rarebit members on their credit and debit card processing costs. Having conducted our own internal cost comparison exercise some three years previously, we were keen to receive an updated independent audit of our pricing.”

“Given the significant challenges posed by the pandemic, we sought their reassurance to minimise input required by the business. In addition, we highlighted that we had an extremely limited appetite to change providers. The final savings that have been renegotiated with our existing providers are significant.”

William Moeran also adds

Moreover, the quality of their work and attention to detail is outstanding. This is underpinned by first class professional behaviours throughout. We have been deeply impressed with this engagement and now consider Bank Brokers ‘trusted advisers’ to the business.”

For further testimonials and how Bankbrokers can assist with banking and merchant services contact us.

Our team of friendly experts can help your business and secure the support you need.

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Neil Fillbrook
Articles: 23