Card processing costs are going up

Rarely has a card processing decision by a giant of the ecommerce world to withdraw a specific card type payment method captured the attention of such a wide audience.

Granted, there has been an apparent ‘change of heart’ by Amazon, but the reality is nothing has changed with card processing costs, well publicly anyway!

It’s worth remembering that the factors involved in this case affect every merchant, some more than others. There are no exceptions.

Merchants on blended pricing are in the process of receiving notifications of the increased cost of processing Visa Debit Commercial transactions from 1st April.

Such changes, unwelcome as they are, always present an opportunity for the merchant to re-evaluate what it means to get a good deal.

There is a general lack of acquiring pricing transparency in the UK (particularly at the SME level), and It is only by knowing the ‘true cost’ can merchants fully understand what constitutes a fair market price.

Bank Brokers exists to help merchants better understand the component elements that make up their acquiring pricing.

Nor should it be at the expense of feeling obliged to shop around and switch for a better deal, although occasionally that may be warranted.

In excess of 90% of Bank Brokers clients remain with their existing service providers on significantly improved terms.

So does “having your cake and eating it “ sound too good to be true? There’s one way to find out and we are here to help…..

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Neil Fillbrook
Articles: 23