300 Years Of British Democracy

When I first realised that Bank Brokers UK had been selected to become a company profiled in the official “History of Parliament Trust 300 Years of Leadership and Innovation” commemorative album, I felt extremely honoured. 

Bankbrokers is an agile and innovative British consulting firm, part of a larger Nordic group, that offers a unique price comparison benchmarking / renegotiation service for corporations around the world wanting to review and improve their banking arrangements.

Following Brexit, the timing of this publication felt perfect from my perspective to help reinforce the positives about this great country, our democracy, our leadership role in the world and our history of innovation – be it antibiotics, the chocolate bar, the WorldWideWeb, the light-bulb or the jet engine – Britain has been at the forefront of innovation and leadership in modern times.  

But it’s the 300 years of democracy in particular that really made me pause and value this great institution – you only need to look at what’s going on around the world today to remember the importance of a true democracy and it’s place in any modern society. I really can’t wait to read the publication in full. 

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Neil Fillbrook
Articles: 23